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Envisn's IBM Cognos Blog

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Eugene Marcotte - Envisn, Inc.This blog article explains some of the issues involved with managing XML data for use in Cognos and some ways you can deal with them. The primary focus is the initial...

by Eugene Marcotte - Envisn, Inc.In Part I we covered the basics of XML data. Here we will continue to broaden this subject area.

by  Eugene Marcotte - Envisn, Inc.This blog article attempts to give a quick overview of Cognos data sources, XML documents and how you can start to bridge the divide between the two. IBM’s developer...

by Eugene Marcotte - Envisn, Inc.We recently got a new development machine for working on NetVisn. Since it was a completely fresh environment, I decided to try something new for the Cognos...

   by Gary Larsen

Cognos BI users migrating reports from Cognos Impromptu may have to deal with reports which had used Hotfiles. This blog contains some suggestions on how to implement similar...

   by Rick Ryan - Envisn, Inc.At a recent IBM Cognos Forum we delivered a session titled Demystifying Your Content Store to over 100 attendees. Right up front we asked some questions to find out how...

    by Gary Larsen - Envisn, Inc.

Managing IBM Cognos Capabilities and License Compliance

(A series of blogs on understanding and managing security in the IBM Cognos environment - see Mastering Cognos...
  by Gary Larsen - Envisn, Inc.

Understanding Cognos Access Permissions Settings on Cognos objects

(A series of blogs on understanding and managing security in the IBM Cognos environment - see Cognos...

   by Gary Larsen 

How Account Object Memberships are Determined in Cognos

(A series of blogs on understanding and managing security in the IBM Cognos environment)

As described in the previous blog of...