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Envisn's IBM Cognos Blog

By Rick Ryan - Envisn, Inc.This blog could easily focus on the typical BI admin tasks that Cognos administrators have to deal with. The usual stuff like change management, security, license...

Is Cognos 10 a Big Deal?

by Rick Ryan on January 19, 2012

By Rick Ryan - Envisn, Inc.In an interview two weeks ago, IBM’s new president, Virginia Rometty, cited Analytics as the single most important focus for the technology company going forward. Analytics

November 18, 2011 by Rick Ryan - Envisn, Inc.It would be easy to talk about what’s new in Cognos 10 from the recent IBM Information on Demand (IOD) 2011 event in Las Vegas only in terms of new user...

An Innovative Approach to Modeling Complex BI Projects

October 12, 2011 by Rick Ryan - Envisn, Inc.With the IBM Information On Demand (IBM IOD 2011) event in Las Vegas less than two weeks away many...

By Rick Ryan - Envisn, Inc. Purpose of this blog article is to share with you the following:

By Elwood Philbrick - Envisn, Inc.The purpose of this article is to identify key metrics that administrators should monitor or pay attention to in terms of their production Cognos Content Store....

by Elwood Philbrick - Envisn, Inc.The purpose of this article is to help Cognos administrators address the need for Cognos license tracking and how best to do it. Administrators are usually the ones...

by Rick Ryan - Envisn, Inc. Managers or administrators are often faced with the task of consolidating or merging Cognos BI environments. This may result because of mergers, cost savings or simply a...

by Elwood Philbrick - Envisn, Inc.At one time or another many Cognos BI managers or administrators are faced with the task of upgrading their security model. This article will focus on a best case...

by Elwood Philbrick - Envisn, Inc.A frequently asked question is whether IBM Cognos provides any tools for helping administrators manage their BI environment. The answer is both yes and no. IBM...