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Envisn's IBM Cognos Blog

June 27, 2013, by Paul Hausser, Envisn, Inc.One of the many challenges that Cognos BI users often face is the need to consolidate or merge one or more Cognos environments into another one. This may...

By Elwood Philbrick - Envisn, Inc.This blog article is focused on some of the key things you need to know in order to effectively manage Cognos BI.

By Rick Ryan - Envisn, Inc.This blog could easily focus on the typical BI admin tasks that Cognos administrators have to deal with. The usual stuff like change management, security, license...

by Rick Ryan - Envisn, Inc. Managers or administrators are often faced with the task of consolidating or merging Cognos BI environments. This may result because of mergers, cost savings or simply a...

by Elwood Philbrick - Envisn, Inc.At one time or another many Cognos BI managers or administrators are faced with the task of upgrading their security model. This article will focus on a best case...

by Elwood Philbrick - Envisn, Inc.A frequently asked question is whether IBM Cognos provides any tools for helping administrators manage their BI environment. The answer is both yes and no. IBM...

Cognos Metadata That Matters

by Rick Ryan on December 17, 2010

IBM Cognos: Metadata is What it’s all About

By Elwood Philbrick - Envisn, Inc.IBM Cognos 8 and Cognos 10 are a big advancement over previous versions of Cognos BI and one of the key reasons for this...

Scaling Up Cognos BI

by Rick Ryan on November 18, 2010

By Elwood Philbrick - Envisn, Inc.Cognos BI growth modelsCognos BI environments typically grow in two ways. The first way is with an initial deployment of BI in an environment that is clearly...

By Elwood Philbrick - Envisn, Inc.In this article we will cover the basics of scheduling in a Cognos 8 BI environment. The basic challenge is getting the report or cube you want, where and when you...

  By Rick Ryan - Envisn, Inc.It’s almost as if there is some immutable law that dictates that as things become larger they become inherently more complex. There are certainly enough examples around...